The problem with making tacos in a single household is that you can only make taco meat by the pound. Those taco seasoning packets and even my taco seasoning recipe is created for a family of four. No matter what, I have leftovers and had to come up with tasty ways to not waste it. This is one of my favorite ways to use left over taco meat.
Cook peppers and onion in half the butter on medium heat in a non stick skillet. Season generously with salt and pepper. Stir in tomatoes. Reduce heat to low.
While vegetables are cooking, beat together eggs, salt and pepper, and cream, until it's smooth.
Melt remaining butter pan. Add the egg mixture to pan, distributed evenly. When underside is cooked, add cheese and re-heated taco meat.
To serve, fold one edge up and slide out of the pan so it inverts onto a platter tri-folded into an burritto shape. Top with salsa and sour cream.
Cook peppers and onion in half the butter on medium heat in a non stick skillet. Season generously with salt and pepper. Stir in tomatoes. Reduce heat to low.
While vegetables are cooking, beat together eggs, salt and pepper, and cream, until it's smooth.
Melt remaining butter pan. Add the egg mixture to pan, distributed evenly. When underside is cooked, add cheese and re-heated taco meat.
To serve, fold one edge up and slide out of the pan so it inverts onto a platter tri-folded into an burritto shape. Top with salsa and sour cream.