Ham Spirals

 ¼ block cream cheese
 ⅛ inch thick slices of ham from Deli, 1 or 2 slices
 2-4 whole dill pickles (optional)
 1 Tablespoon fresh chopped chives (optional)


Soften the unopened cream cheese packet on the counter by leaving it out for around 20 minutes. Pat ham slices down with a paper towel to remove moisture. This helps the cheese adhere to the ham. Place ham on a cutting board or other flat surface then spread cheese onto the ham slice with a butter knife or spatula.


Once evenly coated with cheese place the pickle across the ham slice at one end. Then, starting at that same end, roll up the ham slice. Repeat until you are out of ham slices. If you want Spirals without pickles then just leave them out.


Chill in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Then taking a sharp knife, (serrated generally works best) gently cut your ham rolls into 1/4 inch width spirals. Wipe down the knife with a paper towel between cuts to keep the ham slices looking nice and the knife blade will cut better without a build-up of cream cheese on it. Place on a tray and serve or store in the refrigerator for up to a day until ready.