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Bacon Popcorn for Two

Prep Time5 minsCook Time25 minsTotal Time30 mins

bacon popcorn in bowl

 2 strips bacon
 ¼ cup bacon fat
 ¼ tsp popcorn salt
 ¼ tsp tumeric
 ½ cup popcorn, unpopped

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place bacon in a single layer on a rimmed cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Once the oven is at 400 degrees put the bacon in for about 16-20 minutes turning once. Keep an eye on it you want it crispy not burned. Remove to a plate covered with paper towels to drain. Set aside. Add the warm bacon fat to a heat-safe measuring cup and add more if needed from the reserved bacon fat to make 1/4 cup.


Set a stove top burner to high. Put the bacon fat in a large uncoated metal mixing bowl then add the salt, and the turmeric. Once the fat is very hot add popcorn.


Immediately cover and seal the top with a sheet of aluminum foil, then using scissors or a fork, poke a few holes in the top for the steam to escape.

popping corn under foil on the stove top


Using oven mitts, or a pair of tongs if it is gets too hot, set it on the burner. With a back and forth motion, slide the mixing bowl over the burner quickly enough to keep the popcorn moving. You can hear the popcorn sliding around if you are doing it correctly. After a minute or two it will start popping and you really have to get it moving so the popcorn does not burn.


Once the popping slows to just a few pops per second remove from heat and tear the foil off the top. Transfer to a cool bowl. Crumble and sprinkle the bacon on top and serve.

Nutrition Facts

0 servings

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